Saturday, May 28, 2022

FQCB Top 3 Picks Announcement for Theme #4 about poultry AND wire or metal

 FarmQuest Challenge Blog Top 3 Picks for Theme #4

Theme #4 ended in the early hours of May 27th. 

The theme elements were: poultry AND wire/metal.

No ducks, geese, or turkeys but lots of hens, chicks, and roosters!

So many creative entries and very difficult to narrow it to 3. The crafters entries have demonstrated lots of techniques, technology, and products. 

In order of submission out of the 8 entries:

#2= Maria from Scrapeando paso el rato blog with her French chicken tag

#4= Leslie T from Love 2 Scrap 2 blog with her 2nd entry "Hey Girl Hey" diva card

and #7= Katrina B from Scrappy Horses blog with her bold mixed media card


And as promised in a previous challenge or so, whenever we got 5 or 10 entries I would give those numbered entries a prize. With this theme, we got to #8, so #5 was entered by:

Cari Scharping (If Animals Could Talk card)

so email your mailing address in order for me to get that in the mail for you, Cari S!

this is the prize photo shown back in Theme #3 and Cari S will get 1 set (includes 2 narrow rolls of decorative tape that each have just over 10 yards of bright pink metallic foil dots on white tape:

Theme #5 has begun so make sure to go to FarmQuest's home page and find the new challenge. 

Thanks everyone for supporting FarmQuest Challenge Blog!! 

I truly hope the momentum keeps going! If you know crafting friends who enjoy topics centered around gardening, farming, ranching, camping, hiking, pond/lake life, and more outdoor rural themes, make sure to refer them to FQCB. 


So long. Farewell. See you back at the farm real soon!

--Becca S, owner of FarmQuest Challenge Blog 

FQCB Theme #5 Herbs or Foliage AND Clay Pot or Vase starts 28 May 2022

     Welcome to FarmQuest! Howdy! If you're on a quest to see country rural living themed projects, your search ends here! 

This new competition starts May 28, 2022 and ends June 13, 2022. Start and end times are the same for both days= 12:30 am Central time USA/Chicago or 6:30 am UK; adjust accordingly wherever you are in the world. 

Theme #5 has a bit of flex with the combinations that you can come up with. This will be a fun competition to see the entries! The first options are herbs or foliage (leafy branches/stems) AND the second half options are clay pot or vase. You have to have 1 element from each half/side.

FarmQuest Challenge Blog had its first competition launched on March 28, 2022. The name FarmQuest was coined by my dad. He owned and did the majority of the work publishing an agricultural topic newspaper in Missouri during the late 1980s to early 1990s called FarmQuest. My sister and I wrote some of the lifestyle type articles. She focused on parenting and teaching themes and I did the home economics topics. I also spent about two years helping him on a limited part-time basis with word processing and some of the layout work. Dad did the sales and delivering copies to many farm equipment dealers around the state. After 3 or 4 months of issues, he started offering subscriptions so this became another task that I helped with. 

I like the word quest when it comes to paper-crafting because it's been my practice to have a search hunting for treasures in my stash!!

Inspiration card = Thinking of You--the simple things--herb and flower garden theme card:

Some design and vendor notes for #1 are: the white card base, the black gingham with amber strip, lily of valley cluster, the herbs, sage green tag, and the text strip are from Simple Stories card kit "Love Grows Here"; the yellow-green chevron stripe paper is from The Paper Studio; the analogous colored large dots patterned paper scrap (might be DCWV ?? or is it DCVW); silver mirror foil decorative tape was used to create the outer perimeter border; stamp for 'thinking of you' has been in stash a very long time. Kraft paper in background is just to block out scanner light. This time I have the clay pots AND the herbs (plant stakes and behind them). 


Use the linking tool address for Inlinkz shown next to enter your Theme #5 project for possible bragging rights of Top 3 Barnraisers. 



So long. Farwell. See you later.

Living and crafting in the USA heartland, Midwest farming legacy,
Becca S

owner of FarmQuest and Heart's Quest Challenge Blogs

Friday, May 20, 2022

FQCB Reminder Post for Theme #4 Poultry AND Wire or Metal ends 27 May 2022

      Howdy! Move along little doggies, Theme #4 ends on May 27th at 12:30am CST/Chicago!!!

or should I say, move along little chicks?!!

FarmQuest's Theme #4 is at its midway point within the 13 days of competition. If you haven't participated yet or haven't reached a 3 project limit then you still have a few days to get something made with the 2 required criteria!!

Theme #4 topics are poultry AND wire or metal. 

Any poultry breeds are welcome--turkeys, geese, ducks, chickens, etc. 

Some wire and metal examples that I'm thinking are possible on paper-crafter or hybrid projects are: chicken wire, wire mesh, florist wire that's thin and flexible to shape, staples, paperclips, binder clips, classic gold metal brad fasteners, and more.

Acceptable project types must be in these categories: cards/ATCs, bookmarks/tags, journals/TN spreads, and/or scrapbook layouts. Cards with folds...slimline cards...AT Coins... bullet journals...planner journals... pocket layout style pages...pop-up cards...explosion box 'cards'....

Surprise! We have a Guest Designer for the REMINDER post! Welcome, Margaret Ashby, aka Granmargaret!!!

Here's a brief profile about the talented Margaret= Hello my name is Margaret Ashby and my granddaughters and all their friends call me Granmargaret so that is my name on my blog. I am 77 years old and live in Sydney with my husband Tony. I have two daughters and four granddaughters and a new great grandson. I started stamping and making cards in 1995 and started scrapbooking about 1999. I started my blog in April 2012 with the help of cyber friends and started joining challenges. Since then I have joined design teams. I suffer from fibromyalgia and bad arthritis everywhere so spend my days making cards, a little scrapbooking and talking to my cyber friends on the internet. This helps take my mind off the pain. My eldest daughter Lynda and I are both cancer survivors. I make a lot of digital cards now as that is easier on my sore hands. My favourite colours are purples and pinks. I was happy to be invited as a guest designer. 

Her poultry and wire/metal Theme #4 project=

Aren't you loving the barbed wire? And the little chicken coop with the plank board for the chick to walk down is super cute! Excellent! Terrific work, Granmargaret!!!

What a strong warrior Margaret has been through her cancer battle as well as comforting her daughter! I so appreciate her talents and her value for perseverance! 


from me, the owner Becca S= Theme #4 Reminder Inspiration Project: the rooster is just a small element on this card in the midst of the leafy-looking metal ribbon=

Some design notes about creating this garden & farm springtime card: white card base, floral garden die-cut, rooster die-cut, homegrown text die-cut, and floral mint green with peach paper section are from Simple Stories card kit "Love Grows Here"; the yellow gingham scrap is from Hot Off The Press; the multi-hue flower patterned cardstock scrap is an oldie; the teal/mint green masking tape is from Scotch Brands; and the leafy metal ribbon sections were bought at Dollar Tree recently!!!

A mix of old and new supplies to create a springtime farmhouse yard card!

Link for the original Theme #4 FarmQuest posting that has the Inlinkz tool address for participating:


See you all later!

From the USA heartland, Midwest farm country,

Becca S

owner of these 2 new challenge blogs: FarmQuest and Heart's Quest

note: FQCB has a page option challenge currently going on now for the same time length for Thanksgiving Holiday cards. Its theme required elements are to use "give thanks" and show an image that has a mix of fruits and vegetables (think cornucopia/horn of plenty; spilled basket with a mix of fruits and veggies; seed catalog cover images usually have a mix; etc.)

In the sidebar, look for page options category and click on Thanksgiving Holiday....

Saturday, May 14, 2022

FQCB Theme #4 Poultry AND Wire or Metal starts 14 May 2022

 Howdy! Welcome back to the farm! FarmQuest that is!

Theme #4 competition requirements are to show poultry AND wire/metal together on your project. Guest Designer Lori Barrett Stroup has a chick-tastic layout for your inspiration.

Competition starts May 14-May 27, 2022.

Start and end times are the same for each at 12:30am Central Time USA/Chicago or 6:30am UK.

Poultry examples are chicks, hens, roosters, geese, ducks, turkeys, etc.

Wire or Metal can be actual fencing/chicken wire, paperclip, staples, binder clip, gold brad fastener, etc.

Project types can be any of these: cards/ATCs, bookmarks/tags, journal/TN spreads, or scrapbook layouts.

FarmQuest Challenge Blog was created to highlight theme topics that reflect the lifestyle of country/rural environments. Make sure your project honors that.

Guest Designer: Lori Barrett Stroup

Profile of this talented artisan=

Hello! My name is Lori and I am so excited to be a guest designer for this challenge! I live in a small SW Missouri town with my husband, Scott, and we have three adult kids and one spoiled rotten granddaughter. I have been scrapping since 1998 and I love it just as much today as I did when I first started. I love spending time in my scrap room - looking back at all that has happened and preserving those memories. I have been a traditional 12x12 scrapper since the beginning but have also fallen in love with Project Life and working in my traveler's notebooks - my two preferred formats at the moment! I am also a cardmaker and a cross-stitcher. You can find my work on my blog - My Happy Life -  and I would love it if you followed me on Instagram - you can find me here - @lori_670.

Lori's 'pull on the heartstrings' story layout:

Isn't this just the most darling story you've heard this week??!!!?!!!

Her Travelers Notebook (TN) spread is wonderfully country. She's got some metal staples (little gold binder clip is being used to hold her TN open) scattered around and chicken photos plus die-cuts/ephemera for her theme requirements. Eggcellent!!! 

Remember that at FarmQuest there are many acceptable formats like TN spreads, cards, ATCs, bookmarks, tags, journal/planner entries (art journals, Bible/prayer journals, diaries, book review journals, etc.), and scrapbook layouts (can be mixed format pocket style, notebook paper size and 12" square size).


Owner Becca Sadler's Inspiration Project: Rule The Roost card

I'm beyond thrilled with this flat card!!! Dimensions of the red cardstock base are 5" x 7". The yellow is actually a neon yellow that I toned down with the black ink pad dabbing. Farm life gets messy so I thought this was a fun creative touch. The small text strip, chicken wire paper, and rooster/hen die-cut come from Simple Stories. The other cardstocks and alphas are old stash. The mesh and metal 'ribbon' are new items found at Dollar Tree! YES! They are perfect for this theme and will be a tremendous boost to my supply hoard!!!! Thick foam tape is behind the hen and rooster in order to help adhere and make them prominent. Staples were used too for making the mesh and metal strip easy to attach. Overall, a fun farm-theme card!

I have an 80 year old aunt with a mid-May birthday who with my uncle have chickens, 3 hogs, and 3 calves on their farm! They tell us this number is their meaning of down-scaled! Add in their flowers, summer vegetable garden, spring mushroom hunting, and their days are full. Happy Birthday Aunt E!

Participating= Submissions can be made using this Inlinkz tool address before the deadline at 12:30 am CST/Chicago on May 27th. You can post 3 new themed entries per challenge.



So long for this little trip to the country with Lori and me! 

Thank you for finding us in blogland and hope you return for another visit very soon. 

--Becca S, owner of FarmQuest

Note: look on the sidebar for the category 'page options' and read about the new appreciation cards challenge with Thanksgiving Harvest themes. This extra challenge will only be available for 2 weeks per month. (But you can enter up to 3 new themed entries for the Appreciation Cards challenge and also for the FQCB Theme #4 challenge!!!)

First theme for Thanksgiving Harvest Appreciation Cards has 2 required elements:

use the phrase "give thanks" 


image of fruits and vegetables mix (like a cornucopia/horn of plenty, bushel basket filled with fruits and veggies, seed catalog cover image, etc.)

Friday, May 13, 2022

FarmQuest Top 3 Picks for Theme #3 Announcement

FQCB's Top 3 Picks for Theme #3 Announcement

 3 entries for #3!!!

 This is the badge you get to copy and paste to your own blog:

The entries were fantastic cards for the cherries AND basket criteria for #3.

Woo-hee!!! to these awesome artisans!!!=

Entry #1= Katrina B/Scrappy Horses blog

Entry #2= Margaret A/Granmargaret blog

Entry #3= Dreja/Dreja's Bastelwelt blog

Thank you very much for discovering FarmQuest and I truly hope you will come back to visit the farm soon!   

Friday, May 6, 2022

FQCB Reminder Post for Theme #3 Basket and Cherries

      REMINDER Post for FQCB's #3 Theme Competition

     If you're on a quest to see country rural living themed projects, your search ends here! Welcome to FarmQuest! Howdy!

     Sit down for a spell and rest your feet. This is a new challenge blog that launched March 28, 2022. Reminder: this 3rd competition challenge started April 28, 2022 and ends May 13, 2022 at 12:30 am Central Time/Chicago or 6:30am UK. 

     Theme #3 requirements:

a. Basket (picnic hamper style or different with lid or no lid, open weave, tight weave, etc.)

b. Cherries (can be on the stem or not, shown in a pie, as a dessert topping, hanging on a cherry tree; I'll also accept cherry blossoms, a can of cherry pie filling image, etc.)

     This is FarmQuest Challenge Blog so please try to have some essence of rural living evident.

CHECK this out:

Surprise! We've got a Guest Designer for this reminder post! The very talented Deanne Clarke-Saunders has created a terrific theme project for FQCB. Here's her profile to learn a bit about her and where to find her crafting endeavors:

My name is Deanne Saunders. My hubby and I live in Paradise,
Newfoundland Canada. I was an elementary teacher for 23 years but retired early. I am now an Early Childhood Educator (couldn’t stay away from the kiddies!!). I have always enjoyed playing with paper, scissors, glue, and ESPECIALLY crayons and pencil crayons, ever since I’ve been a small child. I just couldn’t stop playing, so I continued by scrapbooking and card-making! I love it!!! My hubby calls me a paper hoarder. He just MAY be right, but I’d never tell him that!!! A man doesn’t need to know he’s right!!! Haha!


Here's a cute photo of Deanne and her Theme #3 project:

Cheerio isn't it?!!!?? Deanne's card is so sweet!!! (yes, I have to pun, too.) Clever sentiment because it certainly is a cheery card filled with cherries!!! Brilliant!!


A new inspiration project for this theme from FQCB owner, Becca, is "Preserve the moment" card:

Both of my parents grew up on farms and so did most of my grands and ancestors. As a child in the 1960s it seemed like fabric for kitchen curtains was always some color of checked gingham like the red and yellow version cardstocks on the card. Even picnic blankets or tablecloths always seemed to be red and white gingham! So even though the 1st theme used gingham or plaid, I wanted to bring some back for this card. The red gingham also helps to be a repeat color for the cherries seen on the small journaling card and the 2 red enamel dots that are acting as faux cherries. Gingham papers are from Hot Off The Press available from Paper Wishes website. The journaling card and small portion of a border sticker are from the Spring Market collection by Webster Pages. The basket and bird are wood shapes from the Bluebells and Buttercups collection by Craft Consortium and purchased through Paper Wishes website. And the enamel dots are also part of the Bluebells and Buttercups collection. A dark reddish brown cardstock serves as the base.


Next is the link to #3 theme original posting:


So long. Farewell. See you soon, Becca S

FQCB #70 Theme Ladybugs or other Insects for 28 March 2025 + #69 barnraiser brags + DT Call

Howdy! Welcome to FQCB #70 Ladybugs or other insects Theme! Show us your country charm . NEW longer time format: March  28, 2025--> April...