Thursday, April 28, 2022

FQCB Theme #3 Basket and Cherries starts 28 April 2022

 Howdy! Is it time for a break? Time to stroll on a path, a garden walkway, hiking trail, a dirt road...As John Denver sang many years ago, "Country roads, take me home, to the place, I adore...." This time on quest is going to the orchard or the farmers market. For theme #3 at FarmQuest Challenge Blog, I need to see some kind of basket  AND cherries. , so I thought this would be a good combination to pair for this 3rd challenge.

     Welcome to FarmQuest Challenge Blog or FQCB! This is just getting started as of late March 2022. Please spread the word to your crafting friends that there is new kind of paper-crafting competition now in blogland!

     Theme #3:




(can be cherry blossoms, a cherry tree, cherry pie filling can, etc.)

Competition starts April 28, 2022 at 12:30 am Central Time/Chicago, IL USA and

ends May 13, 2022 at 12:30 am Central Time/Chicago, IL (or 6:30am UK).

**With the basket, it makes me thinking of walking in my aunt's orchard on summer days. Her husband's grandparents had built the farmhouse and to the south of the home they took time to plant a good size orchard. Having my baskets swinging as I walked from the house and coming back with hundreds of cherries is a sweet memory for me. What will be your inspiration?

Inspiration project #1:

Happiness Gathering Orchard Birthday card

A few design notes: more of that honey brown with white scattered dot print cardstock from Webster Pages was used here along with the journal card and the happiness text sticker (Spring Market collection: deluxe journaling card set and phrase stickers); the bright yellow print cardstock is a recycled packaging scrap; the cherry blossom branch and basket are free clipart images from the website The Clipart Library; the 2 heart shaped gems, red ink for edging, gold ink for stamping, and the HB stamp are from my stash; and the light yellow cardstock is by Neenah.

Inspiration project #2:

Picnic in the Country Orchard Birthday card=

Some design notes to share: pink cardstock base is 5" high and 5.5" wide; the honey brown cardstock does have white scattered dots and is the "B" side of a spider web print that I will probably not use that came in a clearance pack; and its from Webster Pages; the floral and striped print cardstock is from the Mint Berry paper pad from The Paper Studio that I'm working on bashing this year; the cherry and basket clip art came from The Clipart Library website and were free to download...I just had to size them small when setting up the print function; glitter paint pens were applied to the cherries and their leaves and also to the napkin cloth hanging from the picnic basket; the checked gingham paper is Paper Wishes/Hot Off The Press product. Stenciling the 'h' and 'b' gives me the shortcut for Happy Birthday.

The floral and striped pattern cardstock reminded me a bit of cherry blossoms so that's why I included it. Also because it has pink, red, and green. 

Participation:  Take a breather from whatever you've been doing and ponder about what's buried in your stash that you can resurrect for this #3 theme challenge at FQCB. Bragging rights to be part of the Top 3 Barnraisers is possible but you've got to post an entry. C'mon. Join the messy fun. I got ink lines on my fingers from inking most of the paper edges. Messy artistic fun is better than sweating doing canning or out in a bean field pulling weeds! :) 

     Inlinkz address for participating:


EDITED in on April 28th at 3:35pm CST==> Incentive prizes will be available if the entries for Theme #3 reach #5 and also up to #10. It would be terrific to have more than 10 but I know building participation for a new challenge blog can take time. 

These 2 rolls each of micro thin decorative tape are really cute and have sheen to them=

So long, farewell. Until next time, Becca S

owner of FQCB and HQCB (Color Heart #3 Challenge also starts April 28th and the color is orange. Also there is a new 13 day HQCB Valentine's Day Cards Challenge that can be found in the sidebar within the page options category. Lots of new creative endeavors for the blog world!!!)

Look for a FQCB Thanksgiving Day Card challenge coming for 13 days starting May 14th-May 27th, 2022!!!!

also personal blog, Becca's Heart for Creativity

FQCB Theme #2 Top 1 Announcement

 FQCB's Theme #2 Announcement

Only 1 entry!!!

Granmargaret!!! This is the badge you get to copy and paste to your own blog:

Her entry is a fantastic card for the map with path/walk criteria for #2. 

With a truckload of appreciation, Granmargaret gets bragging rights and she will also get the incentive prize that I posted a couple of days before the end of the competition period. 

So email or FB message me with your mailing address, Granmargaret, so that I get that sent to you. 

I will post her card photo here for your enjoyment:

Theme #3 posting will be revealed in just a few minutes. (12:30am CST April 28, 2022).

So long! --FQCB owner, Becca S

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Surprise Incentive Announcement for Current FQCB Theme #2


Surprise Incentive Announcement for Theme #2

that ends at 12:30am CST/Chicago on April 27, 2022. 

As of a couple minutes ago, there have been 0 entries.

If I get 3 entries, whoever's project is entry #3, I will mail this prize to them:

This is a Hobby Lobby product with 25 heart shaped buttons with a red crystal surface and metal backing.

Will you be the 3rd entry before Theme #2 ends?

FQCB's Theme #2 is about a journey or destination that makes you think of a quiet time, solace, relaxation, etc. The theme has 2 requirements:

show a map image 


a path/walkway/road image.

In the original Theme #2 posting, I've given some brainstorming possibilities and also did that in the reminder post. The link to Theme #2 can be found here to help you read the details:

My heart needs some encouragement for this new crafting endeavor that I started on March 28. 2022.

In Theme #1 FQCB had 2 entries by 2 followers. 

I give thanks for those two crafters' support. 

To keep momentum going, I will give prizes in the April 28th start date for Theme #3 for whoever has entries #5 and #10. Help me reach these number goals. Got to start somewhere. Starting small and building does take time so if you have started following and/or participating yet, why not get your stash quest going and see what you can come up with for the current theme #2 that only has 2-ish days left!!!


owner, Becca S

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

FQCB Reminder Post for Theme 2 Pathway and Map

 Reminder Post for Theme #2

     If you're on a quest to see country rural living themed projects, your search ends here! Welcome to FarmQuest! Howdy!

     Sit down for a spell and rest your feet. This is a new challenge blog that launched March 28, 2022. REMINDER: this 2nd competition challenge started April 14, 2022 and ends April 27, 2022 at 12:30 am Central Time/Chicago or 6:30am UK.

     Theme #2 requirements:

a. map (ideas: your favorite park or campsite, lake, vacation spot, hometown, etc.) --AND--

b. path(sidewalk, cobblestone, brick street, stepping stones, hiking trail, bike path, dirt road, etc.)

     This is FarmQuest Challenge Blog so please have some essence of rural living (farming, ranching, gardening, orchards, creeks, picnics, hayrides, fences, hedgerows, meadows, woods, etc.) You, the crafter artisan get to pick the occasion, colors, layout, format, sentiment, and embellishments. 

     A new inspiration project is this home décor piece that will be framed and sent to loved ones getting ready to move soon from LR. LR isn't a small rural town but I do show the garden path that jives with the word journey used in the handwritten sentiment along with a map of part of the state. Pale flesh tone pink is the base with dimensions of 5" x 7". Dark purple cardstock was cut in a "L" shape. The mirror house 'stick-on' from a set was discovered at a local Dollar Tree store about 2 months ago. It was put on some olive green scrap paper along with some black outlining and then trimmed. The garden path photo is upcycled! My mom discovered an unopened 2013 calendar and gifted it to me instead of throwing it away. Yea! Same for the map section that was from an old 2017 atlas gifted to me on the same day. The rainbow-ish cardstock scrap is the reverse side of some cut-apart cards from either Webster Pages or My Mind's Eye. I hope my loved ones enjoy and keep this as their journey is soon to take them in a different direction. <3

     This is the link to #2 theme post that will have the Inlinkz tool for submitting your project:


So long. Farewell. See you soon, Becca S

Thursday, April 14, 2022

FQCB Theme #2 Pathway AND Map starts 14 April 2022

      Howdy! Is it time for a break? Time to stroll on a path, a garden walkway, hiking trail, a dirt road...As John Denver sang many years ago, "Country roads, take me home, to the place, I adore...." For theme #2 at FarmQuest Challenge Blog, I need to see some kind of pathway AND a map. Maps help guide when traveling and you need to be on a path to not get lost, so I thought this would be a good combination to pair for this 2nd challenge.

     Welcome to FarmQuest Challenge Blog or FQCB! This is just getting started as of late March 2022. Please spread the word to your crafting friends that there is new kind of paper-crafting competition now in blogland!

     Theme #2:

Pathway (your path can be a dirt road, a hiking trail, a cobblestone path, a brick walk, and lots of other possibilities)



Competition starts April 14, 2022 at 12:30 am Central Time/Chicago, IL USA and

ends April 27, 2022 at 12:30 am Central Time/Chicago, IL (or 6:30am UK).

     Inspiration project #1 green cardstock base is 5.5" wide and 6" tall. It has a section of Arizona map taken from a 2017 atlas my mom gave to me to either pitch or recycle! :) A 5" long strip of kraft paper helps accent the right side. A Webster Pages sticky note provides the sentiment "live simply". A 2013 calendar photo from the back cover provides the walkway image to use for my path. The calendar is another hand-me-down from my mom!!! Black gel pen outlining surrounds just the 2 focal areas with a layered sunflower die-cut sticker and a butterfly to serve as accents. 

Live Simply by taking a stroll on the garden walkway:


     Inspiration project #2 light blue cardstock base is about 4.5" deep and 7" across. It has a yellow-green and white patterned paper from Colorbok and a multi-color starburst kind of flower patterned paper from an unknown vendor. Another section of Arizona map from the same atlas page as #1 is featured along with a garden arbor walkway calendar photo from the same source mentioned in #1. Bright blue cardstock scraps help to outline these 2 sections. A wood laser die-cut dragonfly had orange glitter paint applied to it. Three Gerbera Daisies die-cut floral stick-ons accent the upper right corner. In the middle is a stamp from Illustrated Faith. The stamp quote says "Live in this moment. Appreciate life. Be here now."

Live in this moment:

     Take a breather from whatever you've been doing and ponder about what's buried in your stash that you can resurrect for this #2 theme challenge at FQCB. Bragging rights to be part of the Top 3 Barnraisers is possible but you've got to post an entry. C'mon. Join the messy fun. I got ink lines on my fingers from stamping and inking most of the paper edges. Messy artistic fun is better than sweating doing canning or out in a bean field pulling weeds! 

Acceptable project formats can be paper-crafted or a hybrid of digital and paper-crafted in these categories: cards/ATCs, bookmarks/tags, journals/TN spreads, and/or scrapbook layouts. Hopefully this will start drawing a wider range of artisans to FQCB. Spread the word. 

     Inlinkz address for participating April 14, 2022 to April 27, 2022:

This fortnight competition at FQCB is about searching for those quiet getaway spots that allow you to wander and wonder. Country rural living whether on a farm, a campground, a park, lakeside cabin, etc. offer many chances to explore. What will your entry show? In what direction did your creative heart and/or stash treasure quest lead you?


     So long. Farewell. Until next time--Becca S




Wednesday, April 13, 2022

FQCB Theme #1 Top 2 for Barnraisers Badge

      Howdy! You don't have to sit down for this posting. It will be short and sweet like strawberry shortcake! FarmQuest Challenge Blog's first theme asking for gingham/plaid AND a truck ended in the early hours of Thursday, April 13, 2022 and only had 2 entries

     These 2 crafters will get the Top 3 Barnraisers Badge to post on their personal blogs.

     In order of entry, the two participants were:

    #1. Janis of Pause Dream Enjoy blog and 

    #2. Kelly S on Instagram as kellyskardsfl

   Congrats! Both cards are terrific and I really appreciate your support!

   Theme #2 challenge will be released in about 90 minutes. Please make sure to search out that posting and plan to seek out some crafting time in the next 13 days! Think of it has a fun messy farm chore that needs to get done...:) 

    See you later! Becca S

Monday, April 4, 2022

FQCB Theme 1 Reminder Post using gingham or plaid AND a truck

If you're on a quest to see country rural living themed projects, your search ends here! Welcome to FarmQuest!!!      

 Howdy! Yee-haw! Woo-hee! Sit down for a spell and rest your feet. Welcome to a new paper-crafting challenge blog dedicated to all things country or the rural life! FQCB or FarmQuest Challenge Blog is my newest creative endeavor. I hope you are excited as I am. I've got some wonderful themes lined up for upcoming competitions.       

REMINDER: this 1st competition challenge started March 28, 2022 and ends April 13, 2022 at 12:30am Central Time/Chicago or 6:30am UK.

THEME #1 requirements:

a. checked gingham or plaid

b. truck (pick-up, semi/flatbed, etc.)

This is FarmQuest Challenge Blog so please have some essence of country/rural living (farming, ranching, gardening, orchard, creeks and streams, picnics, etc.) You get to pick the occasion, colors, layout, format, and sentiment. 

New inspiration project:

Truck with a load of birthday wishes card=

A short summary of design notes: dimension of the flat gray cardstock base are 5.5" x 4.25"; plaid is from a Christmas paper pad collection several years old and I forgot to look at the manufacturer's name (oops!); stencil was used for the pickup; happy and birthday stamps come from Raisin Boat (old company); red marbled scrap and light blue scrap; cork 'ribbon' was used to look like a dirt path. I purposely kept off additional embellishments in order to give it to one of my uncles.


This is the link to the original posting for #1 theme:


So long. Farewell.

See you soon, Becca S

FQCB #63 Theme is Feathers and/or TPP Friends starting 28 Oct 2024 PLUS #62 Brags on Barnraisers

  Howdy! Welcome to FQCB #63 Feathers and/or T-P-P* Friends Theme! *We're looking for  Turkeys, Pheasants, Peacocks and/or Feathers. You...