Tuesday, March 28, 2023

FQCB Theme #25 is Toads and/or Frogs and/or Mushrooms (Toadstools) starting 28 March 2023 AND DT Call

 Howdy! Yee-haw! Welcome to the farm!--

FarmQuest Challenge Blog

Theme #25 requires Toads/Frogs and/or Mushrooms (Toadstools)

In the USA, mushrooms and toadstools get used interchangeably. Not sure about other parts of the world. You can have edible ones or poisonous ones (for human consumption)...don't think that matters for paper-crafting however!?!! Ha!

Competition starts at 12:30am CST or 6:30am UK on March 28, 2023 and ends at the same times on April 13, 2023.

Each participant can enter up to 3 new themed entries per challenge. Read the blog's side bar for the acceptable formats which gives readers lots of creative possibilities to share with us!


Design Inspiration:

DT member Dottie:


[theme #25 requirement(s): frogs]

What a super cute springtime pond life card! Perfect sentiment! Un-frog-ettable card, Dottie!!

DT member Diane:


[FQCB #25 element= mushrooms/toadstools]

Awesome image for this challenge, Diane!! The coloring is spectacular! Lots of details and shading! You've created terrific rural springtime woods/marsh finds on your card! 

DT member NanaConnie:


[theme #25 requirements: frog AND toad]

NanaConnie's card is such a delight! She says the image is a coloring page! She used Promarkers to color-fill the image! Her bowmaker helped make Toad very dapper! Two colors of burlap help to complete the charming encouragement card!

DT/owner Becca:


[theme #25 elements: mushrooms in both patterned cardstocks; the word 'fungi' for the pun sentiment]

My brain started going into high gear to come up with a clever sentiment and then EUREKA!!! I remembered that I could use "fungi" for 'fun guy'!!! Inside it is simply stamped with "Happy Birthday". 


Now it's readers' turns to go to their stashes and quest for elements that will work for this theme, select their format, occasion, etc. 

Use this Inlinkz tool address to submit their entries:




Deadline is 12:30am CST or 6:30am UK on April 13, 2023.

Bragging rights are possible. 

Also FarmQuest General Store is now open and challenge months will overlap with FQCB themes. Use FQGS for its Anything Farm Country Goes theme up to April 5th and then after April 7th for the next month-long AFCG theme challenge.


DT Call for an additional team member. DT member Dottie might be taking a break. I need someone to fill her spot either for a short-term basis or possibly long-term if desired. Please send your name, crafting blog link, a few samples of work (if I'm unfamiliar with your style) to FQCB's contact email address:


and put

"FQCB DT Call" in the subject line.


So long. Farewell. See you soon at the farm!

FQCB Design Team members Dottie, Diane, NanaConnie and owner Becca

FQCB Theme #24 Top 3 Barnraisers Announcement

Howdy! FQCB's Theme #24 Barnraisers Announcement! There were 15 entries represented by 11 craft artisans! Thanks so much everyone for supporting FQCB!

FarmQuest Challenge Blog's Theme #24 was Anything Farm/Country Goes.

Competition was March 14-27 ending at 12:30am CST/Chicago time.

Congrats to these 3 farm-tastic entries by: Lorie H, Janis L, and Julene M!!!


In order by entry, here are some small images to click and enlarge:

#1 by Julene with a tractor card=

#8 by Janis with a running horse, barn swallows, and strawberries card=

#15 by Lorie H with a red barn siding, barn, chick and farmgirl card=

Wonderfully well-crafted range of outdoor country topics!


I wish I could showcase each entry!! I just loved the whole range of farm and country topics shown--baby calf, horseshoe, metal washtub, pumpkins, and several others! Thanks to all 11 wonderful craft artisans for your support! I hope you come back and participate in #25 during March 28-April 13, 2023!!!


So long. Fare thee well. See you soon at the farm!!

FarmQuest challenge blog design team and owner Becca S

Monday, March 20, 2023

FQCB Theme #24 REMINDER post for AFCG theme ending 27 March 2023

 Howdy! Yippee kiyah!!! The midway point for the competition has arrived for Theme #24. 

FarmQuest Challenge Blog's Theme #24 is AFCG or Anything Farm Country Goes.

This will be the last time AFCG is offered here at the rural country themed twice per month blog since FarmQuest General Store as AFCG now for a month-long basis. 


March 14-27, 2023 with start and end times of 12:30am CST/Chicago or 6:30am UK for a couple of time references. 


Bragging rights for Top 3 Barnraisers will be possible.


Check the blog's sidebar rules category for the list of acceptable formats. We do more than cards.


here's another inspiration project made by me/owner Becca--

Farmer's Market Destination card

[theme #24 AFCG elements= farm truck with chickens and flowers illustration, chicken sticker, embossed sunflower die-cut, sunflower fabric strip, and buffalo plaid scrap]

I've upcycled a notecard front and sticker from a set that I was gifted from a niece which helped save some time on putting this together. I wanted to add more farm, rural country touches to the wonderful illustration.


Link back to FQCB Theme #24 main launch posting link from March 14th=


*use this above link to get access for the Inlinkz tool address to participate


So long. Fare thee well. See you at the farm real soon!

FarmQuest Challenge Blog

--on behalf of the design team, owner Becca S

{also owned are: FarmQuest General Store challenge blog; Heart's Quest challenge blog; and The Fairy and The Unicorn Challenge blog.}

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

FQCB Theme #24 is Anything Farm Country Goes or AFCG starts 14 March 2023

 Howdy! Welcome to the farm! 

FarmQuest Challenge Blog's Theme #24 is Anything Farm Country Goes! 

YES!! Anything outdoors, farm/ranch, woods, lake or pond life, fishing, camping, gardening/orchard/farmers market, farm animals, wagons, tractors, etc.

March 14-27, 2023 with start and end times of 12:30am CST/Chicago or 6:30am UK.

Check the blog's main page sidebar for the acceptable formats and rules.


The themes shared since December 28th have been: outdoor snow sporting events like ice skating and sledding, cowboy gear (hats, boots, spurs), hay/straw, Mason jars, and galvanized tin or wooden containers.

I won't recall all of 2022 themes since we started in late March but some of those have been country roads/paths, pickup trucks, plaid, denim, baskets, cherries, buckets, animals, wagons, porch furniture, quilts, etc.

Still need some inspiration? Here's the latest from our very talented DT members:


[Farm Country elements: sunflower, wood crate, apples]


NanaConnie used KLM image that she colored with Promarkers. The papers were scrap and definitely put to good use! The analogous color scheme is refreshing and definitely suits this cute gnome!


[Theme #24 is AFCG= Dottie's selected a farmhouse and barn themed collection and tiered tray die-cuts and paper]

Farm-tastic! I love the faded denim colors repeated in the rose, fishtail tag, rickrack, and barn paper! The tiered tray die-cut focal is very trendy in mercantiles and boutiques throughout the country in 2022-2023. 


[AFCG theme #24 elements: silo, windmill, fields, farmhouses and barns]

Die-cuts!! Wow! Incredible! Diane emailed that her 'crazy' ideas for this card required a lot of hours, 2 hours just to assemble and adhere the die-cuts! But worth it! How spectacular!

owner Becca=

[AFCG theme elements: buffalo plaid, barn siding, hexagon/chicken wire print, sunflower print fabric, farmhouse kitchen die-cuts and stenciled fussy cuts]

Wow! I've been wanting to use a stencil sheet of different kitchen tools that I bought at Dollar Tree (yes!) during the past holiday season and thought this AFCG theme for FQCB would be a great time to use the apron and 2 oven mitts from the stencil sheet! I  traced the shapes with a black ink pen onto white cardstock then did a thin layer of blue acrylic paint. Then some gold glitter acrylic paint was dabbed in several spots on each piece. Outlining with a permanent black marker came next. Black edging followed. Then random marks with 3 different Memento inks were added last. I wanted the apron and mitts to look well-worn. 


Thanks gals for always creating marvelous FarmQuest inspiration!


Now it's time to go on your stash quest and/or digital quest for farm/rural country topics and create for FQCB! Deadline is early on March 27, 2023. Bragging rights known as Barnraisers are possible for Top 3 (1-40 entries) and Top 5 (41+ entries). 




So long. Farewell. See you soon at the farm (FarmQuest) or the general store (FarmQuest General Store challenge blog, a month-long anything farm country goes themed competition)!!!

FQCB Design Team members: Dottie, Diane, and NanaConnie

plus owner Becca!!


*NOTE= this will be the last AFCG theme offered at FQCB since the General Store was opened on February 7, 2023. Hope that makes sense. 

Please support, follow, and participate at these 2 challenge blogs!

Monday, March 13, 2023

FQCB Theme #23 Barnraisers Announcement

 Howdy! FarmQuest Theme #23

had just 4 entries for its galvanized tin or wood farm/country items! The 4 artisans had some great images for their theme interpretations!

The 4 artists will share the Top 3 Barnraisers bragging rights. I can't cut anyone's project out. All four have honored the theme fantastically...or should I say, farm-tastically!!!

In reverse order by entry:

#4 = Katrina Br.

#3 = Granmargaret

#2 = Dreja

#1 = Lynn


Wonderful cards with their country vibes filled with wood and/or metal/tin items!

So long. Farewell. See you soon at the farm--FarmQuest Challenge Blog where new rural country topic themes are published on the 14th and 28th of each month!


And if you want always 'anything farm country goes' theme then visit the newly opened FarmQuest General Store challenge blog that Challenge #2 started March 7th and ends on April 5th. 

FQCB and FQGS design teams and owner, Becca

Monday, March 6, 2023

FQCB Theme #23 REMINDER post for wood or tin items to end on 13 March 2023

 Howdy! Gosh, March 2023 is just marching down the country road!

It's already midway day of Theme #23! 

Competition started February 28 and will end on March 13, 2023 at 12:30am CST/Chicago or 6:30am UK. With February only having 28 days, that makes Theme #23 about 2-3 days shorter than other months. So don't forget about FarmQuest (or its new spin-off blog, FarmQuest General Store)!

Theme #23 requirements are: 

*have at least 1 wood or tin/metal farm/country item (like trough, bucket, crate, etc.)

for additional design inspiration=


[theme #23 elements = herringbone wood pattern, tin looking welcome label, and tin milk can/bucket with wood grip on wire handle]


FarmQuest Challenge Blog

offers rural country topic themes on the 14th and 28th of each month.

Bragging rights are possible. Top 3 Barnraisers will be selected for entries of 1-40. Top 5 Barnraisers will be picked for entries of 41+.

Read the blog sidebar for acceptable formats/product creations. Each participant can enter up to 3 new themed projects per challenge.

Use this link to take you back to the main launch post from February 28th in order to get access to the Inlinkz tool address for submitting entries. 




So long. Farewell. See you soon at the farm!

On behalf of the FQCB design team members,

owner Becca S


**Don't forget to check out FarmQuest General Store challenge blog that started February 7. It's first challenge ended on March 5th. And challenge #2 will start on March 7th at 1am CST or 7am UK. FQGS is an anything farm country goes theme challenge blog. Anything rural, country that is not reflective of city or suburban living is eligible. The FQGS blog sidebar has lots of suggestions. See the many design inspiration projects I've posted, too. 

So far I have 1 DT member who started with the reminder post on Feb 21. Check the posts about how to reach me if you're interested in joining the design team.

Make sure to visit the general store while you're in the country. 

FQCB #70 Theme Ladybugs or other Insects for 28 March 2025 + #69 barnraiser brags + DT Call

Howdy! Welcome to FQCB #70 Ladybugs or other insects Theme! Show us your country charm . NEW longer time format: March  28, 2025--> April...