Friday, October 28, 2022

FQCB Theme #15 Fish or Fishing Equipment and or Boat starts 28 October 2022

Howdy! Welcome to the farm--FarmQuest Challenge Blog!

Theme #15 has 3 options:


*fishing equipment


Use at least 1 of these to qualify. You may combine 2 of the 3 or use all 3 like I  have on the inspiration slimline card.

Competition starts 28 October at 12:30am CT/Chicago or 6:30am UK and ends on November 13, 2022 at 12:30am CT/6:30am UK. 


Design Inspiration=

from DT member Dottie S (welcome back!):

Dottie was able to include 2 of the 3 options: fish and rod/pole for equipment. She's made a fantastic fish themed card perfect for personalizing, and the occasion can be shown inside whether it's a masculine birthday, thinking of you, etc. Awesome!


From FQCB owner Becca S=

*Carta Bella for die-cut ephemera

*Lake Life paper pad by Fancy Pants Designs (2 cardstock prints are reverse sides of each other in the paper pad)

*several colors of cording stapled together for a faux fishing lure accent

I've incorporated all three: fish, boat, and rod & lures.


Now it's your turn to go on a stash quest. Find items to fit the fishing theme. Come back and link your project's blog using the Inlinkz tool address. Bragging rights for top 3 or top 5 are available depending on numbers of entries. 



So long. Farewell. See your project soon at the farm! --FarmQuest Challenge Blog

Becca S, owner

Thursday, October 27, 2022

FQCB Theme #14 Top 3 Picks Announcement for burlap and or denim that ended 27 October 2022

 Howdy! FarmQuest's Theme #14 has ended and there were 3 entries, so they will share Top 3 Barnraisers brag badge!

Congrats to these 3 craft artisans: Katrina, Ellie, and NanaConnie!!!

In mixed order I will show their incredible projects:

Ellie's project=

NanaConnie's project= 


Katrina B's project =

Congratulations, ladies!!! Such cleverly brilliant and creative uses for burlap! Thanks for participating in Theme #14!



So long. Farewell. Theme #15 will be launched in about 3 hours--12:30am CT/Chicago or 6:30am UK on Friday, October 28, 2022. 

See you at the farm soon!

FarmQuest Challenge Blog

--Becca S, owner

Thursday, October 20, 2022

FQCB Reminder Theme #14 denim and/or burlap ends 27 October 2022

 This is a different reminder posting for FarmQuest.

Please use this blog link to go to my personal blog for FQCB and HQCB inspiration project (TN layout for a Scripture Writing Journal) to see how I combined their themes with a few others from blogland=


And I managed to get a sweet appreciation tag made in about 30-40 minutes about an hour before this posting is to publish!!! Here's "Thankful"--

For this tag (or it could be used as a bookmark) I chose to use a small portion of burlap printed ribbon as an accent for the upper right corner. It adds texture and along with the cording, twine, and harvest colors, the outdoors country look definitely shows.


How will you use burlap or denim or paper prints of these textiles in your entry/entries for FarmQuest #14? Time's almost up. About 6 days after this is published. Don't delay. Go on a quest through your stash boxes, drawers, bags, digital files, etc. Find some crafting treasures to make your artsy theme #14 interpretation!

USE THIS LINK FOR THE MAIN LAUNCH POSTING FROM October 14th in order to locate the Inlinkz tool address for submitting:


So long. Farewell. See you at the farm--FarmQuest Challenge Blog!

Heartfelt Greetings from Heart's Quest Challenge Blog!

--owner Becca S

Friday, October 14, 2022

FQCB Theme #14 Denim and or Burlap starts 14 October 2022

Howdy! Welcome back to the farm--FarmQuest Challenge Blog!

Theme #14 elements are:




Use at least 1 of these elements or you may use both. 

Competition starts 12:30am Central Time October 14, 2022


ends 12:30am Central Time October 27, 2022.

Acceptable formats are included in the rules found on the blog's sidebar. 

Participants may enter 1-3 new themed projects to each challenge for consideration to be a Top Pick.


Design inspiration:

by FQCB owner Becca S=

Card #1= Golden Sunflowers with chevron burlap ribbon

*gold metallic foil 'dazzle' Thanks is from Paper Wishes website
*golden yellow enamel dots are from Craft Consortium
*specialty paper scrap, ribbon, and gold sunflower stick-on are from Crafter's Square/Dollar Tree


Card #2= Hammock for Stargazing on a Summer Night (with denim background)



Use the provided Inlinkz Tool Address to submit your entry(-ies) to be considered for Top Picks 3 or 5. 




So long. Farewell. See you back at the farm real soon!

--owner Becca S


Thursday, October 13, 2022

FQCB Theme #13 Top 5 Picks

 Howdy! This will be a quick post to wish congrats to 5 excellent projects submitted for Theme #13 at FarmQuest Challenge Blog!

Top 5 Barnraisers badge for bragging rights is shared by these 5 talented craft artisans:

in random order=

#3 Vicki= 

#5 Katrina=

#2 Deanne=

#1 Julene=

and #4 Elizabeth=

FarmQuest's Theme #13 ended at 12:30am on Thursday, October 13, 2022. Theme #13 had 4 options that were camping related: tent, camper trailer, campfire, and/or firepit. 

The submissions are so varied from the format choices to their picked theme image icons that I had to include all 5 entries into a Top 5 selection instead of 3!!!

Tremendous projects! Excellent!


See you at the farm real soon!

Theme #14 releases in about 1 hour 20 minutes from now! (12:30am CT/Chicago on October 14th)

--Becca S, FQCB owner

Thursday, October 6, 2022

FQCB REMINDER Theme #13 Tent/Camper Trailer and/or Campfire/Firepit ends on 13 October 2022

 Howdy! Welcome to the farm--FarmQuest Challenge Blog's Midway

Reminder Post for Theme #13.

I've given several options related to enjoying the great outdoors for camping.

Show me your projects (see sidebar for rules of acceptable formats) that feature at least 1 of these items:


*camper trailer



Deadline to enter is October 13, 2022 at 12:30am CT/Chicago. 


Design Inspiration=

from FQCB owner, Becca S

Live and Love at the Lake card

*green 4" x 5.5" card by Darice
*washi tapes, wooden arrow tip die-cut shape are from stash
*die-cut ephemeras are Carta Bella or Echo Park
*script text patterned cardstock is from Lake Life paper pad by Fancy Pants Designs

I've got lots of cousins and friends that enjoy camping so I'll send this to them for a 'thinking of you' happy mail item.


Use this link to take you to the main theme post from September 28 to get the Inlinkz tool address for submitting your entry/entries.
Hope to see you real soon here at the farm!

LINK to FQCB Theme #13 9/28/22=


So long. Farewell. 
--Becca S, owner of FQCB

FQCB #70 Theme Ladybugs or other Insects for 28 March 2025 + #69 barnraiser brags + DT Call

Howdy! Welcome to FQCB #70 Ladybugs or other insects Theme! Show us your country charm . NEW longer time format: March  28, 2025--> April...