Friday, March 28, 2025

FQCB #70 Theme Ladybugs or other Insects for 28 March 2025 + #69 barnraiser brags + DT Call

Howdy! Welcome to FQCB #70 Ladybugs or other insects Theme!

Show us your country charm.

NEW longer time format: March 28, 2025--> April 27, 2025 with start and end times at 12:00am CT/Chicago or 6:00am UK for time references.

NEW submission limit per challenge: with the timeframe increased to a month, each participant can submit 5 themed projects per challenge!!! 

Bragging rights are possible. Skip to the bottom of the post for #66 results. Best Barnraiser is a new honor that is offered a Guest DT invite. Barnraisers Top 3 Picks are for 1-40 entries. Top 5 Picks are for 41+ entries. 


The design team crew has done their stash quests and prepared these terrific projects:

DT member Nana Connie=

 #70 theme element = butterfly 


DT/owner Becca= 

#70 theme elements = ladybugs


Best Barnraiser

with Guest DT Invite from February 2024 with #70 themed project: Indy (Debbie O) with bumblebees

her blog link =


Hi, my name is Debbie, aka Indy.  I grew up in a farmer family in central Indiana, which is why my husband calls me Indy.  (I was the first Hoosier he had ever met!) While living in Utah with all the scrapbooking shops, I began my journey into the paper crafting world.  I started off with scrapbooks, but when I took a holiday class for making cards, I veered into the card making world and haven't turned back.  The advent of the Internet and blogging opened the world to sharing and being inspired by others.  When I discovered the FarmQuest challenges, I was super excited to participate since it reminds me of my childhood--feeding the calves, playing in the barns, bailing hay, riding the tractors, and finding the new batch of kittens! Thanks to Becca and FQGS for the opportunity to be a guest designer.  

(her badge)



Classic country interpretations for theme #70!

Future participants: use the following Inlinkz tool address to submit your 1-5 ladybugs or other insects- themed projects for #70. Deadline is April 27, 2025 at 12:00am CT/Chicago. Bragging rights are possible. We have tiers of recognition based on volume of submissions: Top 3 for 1-40 entries, Top 5 for 41+ entries plus a new Best Barnraiser with Guest DT Invite honor. 



See you later. Fare thee well. Come back often for more of our country charm!

FarmQuest design team: NanaConnie and owner Becca



7 entries

"Best Barnraiser" with a Guest DT invite

#69 theme Best Barnraiser w/GD invite is entry #4 by Lisa J! Congrats! (if accepting Guest DT invite for challenge #71 on April 28, 2025 ===> please email me/Becca at

Congratulations to Lisa J and her sweet owl card!



Bragging rights for Top 3 Barnraisers mentions:


The Barnraisers pick mentions were decided by owner Becca S.  

in order of entry:

#3 by Jose  =

adorable owls and hedgehog


#5 by Leslie/LRose  =

cute trio of possum, raccoon and owl


#6 by Jenn B = 
great image of owl in flight

Congrats to these wonderful artisans for creating these country charmers!



**See ya soon at FarmQuest!**

Fare thee well. So long, pardner.

***remember the time length of the challenge is extended to 30 days and instead of 3 project limit per person, it's upped to 5 themed projects.



DT Nana Connie will be taking a leave.  I need someone (or more than 1) to help for the next 5-6 months or into the future. DT members are given access to themes in advance and a private FB design team group is used to upload projects. 

Mention "FQCB" design team as the subject of your email to owner Becca =



Friday, February 28, 2025

FQCB #69 Theme is Nocturnal Animals starts 28 Feb 2025 + #69 Barnraiser Brags

 Howdy! Welcome to FQCB #69 Nocturnal Animals Theme!

Your location can be any forest/woods/meadows/farm/ranch/rural setting around the world. What inspires you about nocturnal animals? Animals that are night-time active include skunks, opossums, owls, raccoons, badgers, deer and several more.

NEW longer time format: February 28, 2025--> March 27, 2025 with start and end times at 12:00am CT/Chicago or 6:00am UK for time references.

NEW submission limit per challenge: with the timeframe increased to a month, each participant can submit 5 themed projects per challenge!!! 

Bragging rights are possible. Skip to the bottom of the post for #68 results. Best Barnraiser is a new honor that is offered a Guest DT invite. Barnraisers Top 3 Picks are for 1-40 entries. Top 5 Picks are for 41+ entries. 


The design team crew has done their stash quests and prepared these terrific projects:

DT member Nana Connie= 

 #68 theme elements = owl


DT/owner Becca= 

#69 theme elements = raccoon


new barnraiser brag honorees=

Best Barnraiser

with Guest DT Invite from January 2025==>sharing in March 2025 is GDT honoree Jolanda!

#69 theme element: owl


Best Barnraiser

with Guest DT Invite from December 2024==>sharing in February 2025 is GDT honoree Heather!

#69 theme element = badger


 badge for Jolanda and Heather:


Farm-tastic design team inspiration charmers to get folks excited about FQCB #69!


Show us your outdoorsy-woodsy night active animal(s) interpretations for theme #69 badge!



Future participants: use the following Inlinkz tool address to submit your 1-5 nocturnal animals- themed projects for #69. Deadline is March 27, 2025 at 12:00am CT/Chicago. Bragging rights are possible. We have tiers of recognition based on volume of submissions: Top 3 for 1-40 entries, Top 5 for 41+ entries plus a new Best Barnraiser with Guest DT Invite honor. 



See you later. Fare thee well. Come back often for more of our country charm!

FarmQuest design team: NanaConnie and owner Becca

Guest DT Invite honorees = Heather H. and Jolanda


SKIP OVER for the #68 Brag honors and mentions


DT Call:

We would love to have 2 more artisans (bloggers and/or IG) who don't mind linking up/networking in other challenge blogs and/or Facebook crafting groups, YouTube video tutorials, Instagram, etc. If you love farm/country/outdoor/rural topics and creating themed projects before each 14th and 28th, then email message FQCB owner Becca Sadler =



8 entries

"Best Barnraiser" with a Guest DT invite

#68 (hibernating theme) Best Barnraiser is entry #7 by Indy! Congrats! (if accepting Guest DT invite for challenge #70 on March 28, 2025 ===> please email me/Becca at

Congratulations to Indy with her brown bear card!



Bragging rights for Top 3 Barnraisers mentions:


The Barnraisers picks were decided by owner Becca S.  

in order of entry:

#1 by Pauline C = hedgehogs


#3 by Bonnie Lynn = polar bears


#4 by Jolanda = brown bear 

Congrats to these wonderful artisans for creating these hibernating animal-focused projects!


**See ya soon at FarmQuest!**

***remember the time length of the challenge is extended to 30 days (except February) and instead of 3 project limit per person, it's upped to 5 themed projects. 


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

FQCB #68 Theme of Hibernating Animals starts 28 Jan 2025 + #67 brag honors and mentions

 Howdy! Welcome to FQCB #68 Hibernating Animals Theme!

Your location can be any forest/woods/meadows/farm/ranch/rural setting around the world. What inspires you about hibernating animals? Animals that hibernate include bears, hedgehogs, groundhogs, bumblebees, snails, snakes, turtles, skunks, and several more.

NEW longer time format: January 28, 2025--> February 27, 2025 with start and end times at 12:00am CT/Chicago or 6:00am UK for time references.

NEW submission limit per challenge: with the timeframe increased to a month, each participant can submit 5 themed projects per challenge!!! 

Bragging rights are possible. Skip to the bottom of the post for #67 results. Best Barnraiser is a new honor that is offered a Guest DT invite. Barnraisers Top 3 Picks are for 1-40 entries. Top 5 Picks are for 41+ entries. 


The design team crew has done their stash quests and prepared these terrific projects:

DT member Nana Connie= 

 #68 theme elements = bear


DT/owner Becca= 

#68 theme elements = bears, hedgehogs and a visiting baby raccoon


new barnraiser brag honor=

Best Barnraiser

with Guest DT Invite from December 2024: will be coming in February 2025

with GDT project from Heather! We're looking forward to seeing her GDT creation next month. 


Show us your outdoorsy interpretations for theme #68 badge!



Future participants: use the following Inlinkz tool address to submit your 1-5 hibernating animals- themed projects for #68. Deadline is February 27, 2025 at 12:00am CT/Chicago. Bragging rights are possible. We have tiers of recognition based on volume of submissions: Top 3 for 1-40 entries, Top 5 for 41+ entries plus a new Best Barnraiser with Guest DT Invite honor. 



See you later. Fare thee well. Come back often for more of our country charm!

FarmQuest design team: NanaConnie and owner Becca


SKIP OVER for the #67 Brag honors and mentions


DT Call:

We would love to have 2 more artisans (bloggers and/or IG) who don't mind linking up/networking in other challenge blogs and/or Facebook crafting groups, YouTube video tutorials, Instagram, etc. If you love farm/country/outdoor/rural topics and creating themed projects before each 14th and 28th, then email message FQCB owner Becca Sadler =



six entries

"Best Barnraiser" with a Guest DT invite

#67 (trails, paths, walkways or roads theme) Best Barnraiser is entry #5 by Jolanda! Congrats! (if accepting Guest DT invite for challenge #69 on February 28, 2025 ===> please email me/Becca at

Congratulations to Jolanda!



Bragging rights for Top 3 Barnraisers mentions:


The Barnraisers picks were decided by owner Becca S.  

in order of entry:

#1 by Heather =


#3 by Elle-jeanne =


#4 by Elizabeth = 

Congrats to these wonderful artisans for creating these country charmers!



**See ya soon at FarmQuest!**

***remember the time length of the challenge is extended to 30 days (except February) and instead of 3 project limit per person, it's upped to 5 themed projects. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

FQCB #67 Theme is Paths or Trails or Walkways or Roads starting 28 Dec 2024 PLUS #66 Brags

 Howdy! Welcome to FQCB #67 Paths-Trails-Walkways- Roads Theme!

Your location can be any forest/woods/meadows/farm/ranch/rural setting around the world. What inspires you about forging a new path for 2025? Show us your country charm.

NEW longer time format: December 28, 2024--> January 27, 2025 with start and end times at 12:00am CT/Chicago or 6:00am UK for time references.

NEW submission limit per challenge: with the timeframe increased to a month, each participant can submit 5 themed projects per challenge!!! 

Bragging rights are possible. Skip to the bottom of the post for #66 results. Best Barnraiser is a new honor that is offered a Guest DT invite. Barnraisers Top 3 Picks are for 1-40 entries. Top 5 Picks are for 41+ entries. 


The design team crew has done their stash quests and prepared these terrific projects:

new barnraiser brag honor=

Best Barnraiser

with Guest DT Invite from November 2024:

with GDT project from DJ! Thanks! 

#67 theme elements: winding path/road around the trees


DT member Nana Connie=

 #67 theme elements = Scottish Highland path


DT/owner Becca= 

#67 theme elements = forest trail sign plus mountain/ski resort trail marker signs


Classic country interpretations for theme #67!


Future participants: use the following Inlinkz tool address to submit your 1-5 paths, trails, roads, walkways- themed projects for #67. Deadline is January 27, 2025 at 12:00am CT/Chicago. Bragging rights are possible. We have tiers of recognition based on volume of submissions: Top 3 for 1-40 entries, Top 5 for 41+ entries plus a new Best Barnraiser with Guest DT Invite honor. 



See you later. Fare thee well. Come back often for more of our country charm!

FarmQuest design team: NanaConnie and owner Becca


DT Call:

We would love to have 2 more artisans (bloggers and/or IG) who don't mind linking up/networking in other challenge blogs and/or Facebook crafting groups, YouTube video tutorials, Instagram, etc. If you love farm/country/outdoor/rural topics and creating themed projects before each 14th and 28th, then email message FQCB owner Becca Sadler =



six entries

"Best Barnraiser" with a Guest DT invite

#66 (things found in barns theme) Best Barnraiser is entry #6 by Heather! Congrats! (if accepting Guest DT invite for challenge #68 on January 28, 2025 ===> please email me/Becca at

Congratulations to Heather!!!



Bragging rights for Top 3 Barnraisers mentions:


The Barnraisers picks were decided by owner Becca S.  

in order of entry:

#1 by Deanne =


#3 by Jolanda =


#5 by Cheryl = 

Congrats to these wonderful artisans for creating these country charmers!



**See ya soon at FarmQuest!**

***remember the time length of the challenge is extended to 30 days and instead of 3 project limit per person, it will be upped to 5 themed projects.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

FQCB #66 Theme is things found in barns starts 14 December 2024 PLUS #65 barnraiser results

Howdy! Welcome to FQCB #66 "Things found in barns" Theme!

We're looking for equipment, supplies, farm animals, etc. that would be stored or have shelter in barns.  Show us your countryside charm.

November 14-27, 2024 with start and end times at 12:00am CT/Chicago or 6:00am UK for time references.

Bragging rights are possible. NEW: a "Best Barnraiser" selection will be recognized and receive a Guest DT invite for the month after announcement.  Skip to the bottom of the post for #65 barnraiser results. Barnraisers Top 3 Picks are for 1-40 entries. Top 5 Picks are for 41+ entries. 


The design team crew has done their stash quests and prepared these terrific projects:

DT member Nana Connie=

 #66 barn items:  barn wall, horse


DT/owner Becca=

#66 barn items include: sleigh, horse, and a red barn on the far right side

- - - - - - - - - - -  

Classic barn equipment/supplies interpretations for theme #66!

 inspiration Ai-generated images that you can copy and paste if you want to use:

Antique charm!


Future participants: use the following Inlinkz tool address to submit your 1-3 things found in barns- themed projects for #66Deadline is December 27 at 12:00am CT/Chicago. Bragging rights are possible. We have tiers of recognition based on volume of submissions: Top 3 for 1-40 entries, Top 5 for 41-80 entries. 



Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025!!

See you later. Fare thee well. Come back often for more of our country charm!

FarmQuest design team: NanaConnie and owner Becca


DT Call:

We would love to have 2 more artisans (bloggers and/or IG) who don't mind linking up/networking in other challenge blogs and/or Facebook crafting groups, YouTube video tutorials, Instagram, etc. If you love farm/country/outdoor/rural topics and creating themed projects before each 14th and 28th, then email message FQCB owner Becca Sadler =




NEW: a "Best Barnraiser" with a Guest DT invite

#65 (things found in the woods theme) Best Barnraiser is entry # 4 by DJ/Deb! Congrats! (if accepting Guest DT invite for challenge #67 on January 14, 2025 ===> please email me/Becca at

Bragging rights badge for Top 3 Barnraisers:


The Barnraisers picks were decided by owner Becca S.  

in order of entry:

#3 by Esther ^ 


#8 by Granmargaret ^ 


#9 by Heather ^ 

Congrats again and thanks for creating these country charmers!


These were fabulous #65 interpretations! 


**See ya soon at FarmQuest!**


FQCB #70 Theme Ladybugs or other Insects for 28 March 2025 + #69 barnraiser brags + DT Call

Howdy! Welcome to FQCB #70 Ladybugs or other insects Theme! Show us your country charm . NEW longer time format: March  28, 2025--> April...