
Saturday, July 27, 2024

FQCB #56 Top 3 Barnraisers Announcement for 4 artisans on 27 July 2024

 YEE-HAW!! FQCB #56 things found in a desert/dry land theme had 4 entries!!!

Barnraiser recognition goes to these 4 amazing artisans to share the Top 3 Barnraiser badge: Julene, Jolanda J, Heather, and Lee Ann B!!! Congrats! 


Bragging rights badge


The Barnraisers picks were decided by owner Becca S.  

in order of entry: delightfully diverse desert/dry land things themed projects!!! =

#1 was made by Lee Ann B : Christmas cactus plant card


#2 was made by Heather H : US Southwest coyote and cacti card


#3 was made by Jolanda J : US Southwest/New Mexico inspired card


#4 was made by Julene : desert butterflies layout

Such awesome rural remote outdoors desert topics' projects! 


Thank you so much #56 participants! We're grateful!


#57 will start at 12am central time/Chicago or 6am UK on Saturday, July 28, 2024.


So long. Fare thee well. 

See you real soon in farm country!

FarmQuest Design Team:

Nana Connie and Becca S


1 comment:

  1. Aw, thanks so much for the pick - these are ALL wonderful! Thanks for the fun challenge!
